Insights for Imagineers
Marshall Monroe helped lead the creation of multiple Artist Development programs at the Walt Disney Company, and he has given workshops to dozens of technical and industry audiences. These audiences have included the Stanford University Presidential Lectures Series, NASA's Aerospace Enterprise group, numerous TED events, and economic development conferences .
Monroe's models for Creative Excellence are tried and true, and there is no industry his insights cannot help re-imagine. One area of current focus for his talks is the "Digital Tsunami," with all it's implications for business and personal impact. One new series is entitled "Media Mindfulness" and addresses how students and professionals alike need to be aware and cautious about how they use media, ...and how digital media uses them...
In his talks, Monroe introduces his "Diamond Mine" model for Creative Development and Visioning. This model helps individuals, leaders, teams, and entire organizations gain a deeper, actionable appreciation for what Magic is made of. The facets of the diamond serve as the analogs to the dimensions of design that can drive success - or rapid failure. And it is this Imagineering "Literacy" that makes the difference.